My favorite season of the year is here! That being sale season....woop woop! My holiday weekend started with a trip to Detroit to watch my Packers play. The Packers win, so I am in a great mood! Post-game we are headed back to my car, we hop it and I open the glove box to grab my parents GPS, I had borrowed and it's missing! Ah, where did it go, how did someone get in without the window being broken? Well, I soon found out someone had jimmied my driver's side door lock and stole the GPS out the glove box! From there my main question is, how did someone know it was in there? Every piece of it was completely hidden in the glove box. I'm going to attribute it to the shady parking attendants at Kentwood Academy. And to think I was helping children by parking in that lot, yeah, helping them scam me. Life lesson learned.
After that depressing event, it was back home to prep for the biggest shopping day of the year. Luckily, Best Buy had the same Garmin on-sale the next day so in addition to my Dyson, I was also in the market for a Garmin Nuvi. Awesome.
My Mom and I arrived at Kohl's at 3:30 AM, my Dad didn't feel like waking up that early. I have no idea why not?! Thank goodness, we got there so early within about a 1/2 hour of opening the entire Dyson stock was wiped clean! That fabulous low-quality picture above is my Dyson I snatched up right after opening. woop woop!