My favorite holiday is coming up....Thanksgiving....now why would Thanksgiving be the favorite holiday of a vegetarian? Well, obviously the day after is actually my favorite holiday. My Dad and I wake up early every Black Friday to shop, now I'm pretty sure he doesn't look forward to this as much as I do, but it's tradition now. This weekend I have devoted several hours in competitive research of leaked sales ads for the items that I'm willing to knock over a soccer mom at 5 AM to obtain. There are always a few stores I focus on....Kohls and Best Buy (points for originality, I know).

My search is focused on a DC25 Dyson....I want one and Ryan just doesn't understand why a Dyson versus any other brand of vacuum. It's just not the same. To prepare for this purchase I saved up my credit card points and cashed in for $150 worth of Kohl's gift cards. Clearly, I was hoping Kohl's would have the best deal on the Dyson. According to the leaked Kohl's ad my Dyson will be on sale for $399 from $549. Clearly this is a bargain. Now I'm just concerned how early I should wake up to wait in line at the local Kohl's. How many other crazy ladies (or men) are in the market for my Dyson? These are questions I need answered. How willingly will the BH Kohl's be to provide sales figures on the Dyson DC25?
The remainder of my shopping is focused on potentially replacing my household desktop computer. I almost feel like a traitor saying this as my current desktop has survived 6-years of use. My first computer purchased before I left for college freshman year. My computer has been a good friend and survived hours of usage, and many a term paper in college. It saw Facebook before Facebook was cool, and many a episode of Grey's Anatomy online. However, the time has come to look for a replacement. The sad part is today I could purchase a much more powerful, faster, etc. desktop for about a 1/3 of the price. Damn you technology.
I LOVE kohls!!!!!