Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Adventures

My favorite season of the year is here! That being sale season....woop woop! My holiday weekend started with a trip to Detroit to watch my Packers play. The Packers win, so I am in a great mood! Post-game we are headed back to my car, we hop it and I open the glove box to grab my parents GPS, I had borrowed and it's missing! Ah, where did it go, how did someone get in without the window being broken? Well, I soon found out someone had jimmied my driver's side door lock and stole the GPS out the glove box! From there my main question is, how did someone know it was in there? Every piece of it was completely hidden in the glove box. I'm going to attribute it to the shady parking attendants at Kentwood Academy. And to think I was helping children by parking in that lot, yeah, helping them scam me. Life lesson learned.

After that depressing event, it was back home to prep for the biggest shopping day of the year. Luckily, Best Buy had the same Garmin on-sale the next day so in addition to my Dyson, I was also in the market for a Garmin Nuvi. Awesome.

My Mom and I arrived at Kohl's at 3:30 AM, my Dad didn't feel like waking up that early. I have no idea why not?! Thank goodness, we got there so early within about a 1/2 hour of opening the entire Dyson stock was wiped clean! That fabulous low-quality picture above is my Dyson I snatched up right after opening. woop woop!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So close....

Tonight I went pre-shopping for my Dyson <3 This is similar to pre-gaming before a bar night, or big game; except it's only for die-hard shoppers - similar to me. Where does my strong desire for a Dyson vacuum come from? These are questions I do NOT have the answer to. Maybe it's that man on the TV who tells me during the commercials how great my life will be with one. Am I really that much of a sucker for advertisements? The BH Kohl's has TWO Dyson DC25's in stock!!! TWO!!! That's it! The friendly saleswoman tried to put one on hold for me, however that didn't work. She did offer to hide it behind the other vacuums for me though later tonight. Basically she is my hero.

Kohl's opens at 4 AM on Friday. I plan to arrive at 3:45 AM to stand in line and run like a crazy woman to my Dyson. Since my Dad is my vacuum wingman I've offered to buy him breakfast, a sort of bribe to wake up at 3 AM to go to Kohl's. Has anyone ever wanted a vacuum quite like I want my Dyson DC25? Not that I can recall. Determination, focus.....these are key personality traits that will get me my Dyson.

What are some other purchases I'm looking to make during one of my three favorite days of the year...Wal-Mart has heated blankets & throws on sale for $13....done and done. I LOVE heated blankets. These could also be could use at the office, as it's always about 60 degrees. At Best Buy, I will definitely be hitting up the cheap DVD bin - as always. To score some DVD's that will sit on my DVD rack unopened for the next year. Smart purchase.....yes!

Tomorrow I'm going to the Packers v. Lions game....WOOP WOOP! If you'll be watching for me in the stadium, I'll be rocking my Greg Jennings jersey and Pack wears in addition to my temporary facial tattoos....awesome! Two big days in a row for me....can.not.wait!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My favorite holiday


My favorite holiday is coming why would Thanksgiving be the favorite holiday of a vegetarian? Well, obviously the day after is actually my favorite holiday. My Dad and I wake up early every Black Friday to shop, now I'm pretty sure he doesn't look forward to this as much as I do, but it's tradition now. This weekend I have devoted several hours in competitive research of leaked sales ads for the items that I'm willing to knock over a soccer mom at 5 AM to obtain. There are always a few stores I focus on....Kohls and Best Buy (points for originality, I know).

My search is focused on a DC25 Dyson....I want one and Ryan just doesn't understand why a Dyson versus any other brand of vacuum. It's just not the same. To prepare for this purchase I saved up my credit card points and cashed in for $150 worth of Kohl's gift cards. Clearly, I was hoping Kohl's would have the best deal on the Dyson. According to the leaked Kohl's ad my Dyson will be on sale for $399 from $549. Clearly this is a bargain. Now I'm just concerned how early I should wake up to wait in line at the local Kohl's. How many other crazy ladies (or men) are in the market for my Dyson? These are questions I need answered. How willingly will the BH Kohl's be to provide sales figures on the Dyson DC25?

The remainder of my shopping is focused on potentially replacing my household desktop computer. I almost feel like a traitor saying this as my current desktop has survived 6-years of use. My first computer purchased before I left for college freshman year. My computer has been a good friend and survived hours of usage, and many a term paper in college. It saw Facebook before Facebook was cool, and many a episode of Grey's Anatomy online. However, the time has come to look for a replacement. The sad part is today I could purchase a much more powerful, faster, etc. desktop for about a 1/3 of the price. Damn you technology.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Professional Vegetarian

After 5 years of being a vegetarian I'm finally becoming a professional. I was impressed by my dinner selection this evening. Lo mein with vegetable stir fry and Morningstar chicken substitute. So in the end I got my protein, vegetable, and pasta intake all in one happy vegetarian-friendly meal.

A Bientot Mad Men

Mad Men's season finale was last night, and in my humble opinion the show went out with a bang. I've been watching most of the season and thus far nothing terribly exciting....a secretary ran over a Brit's foot with a John Deere tractor, Don cheated on his wife a few times, Sal accidentally came out of the closet in front of Don. The season finale was great...undermining the Brits and starting their own agency, with my favorite characters....brilliant! Don finally had to admit that Roger and Peggy were all actually needed at the agency, and unfortunately the world doesn't revolve around creative. Betty is leaving Don for the somewhat older and sexy Henry, besides it's about time she leaves Don's cheating ass. Now, I'm eager beaver waiting for season 4....