Do you ever wonder what success feels like? What its like to be livin' the dream? Well I wonder about both sometimes....and I definitely can't say I've experienced the latter (other than sarcastically, of course); however, last weekend I experienced the former. I completed my first marathon....not a half (that was done in March).....but a FULL marathon. Yes, 26.2 miles or 138,336 feet. I can officially proudly display the 26.2 bumper sticker on my Prius, rock the marathon shirt (and socks!), and confidently run any distance less than a marathon forever.
Was I fast? No....5:01:35 was how long it took me to complete my marathon. I had to stop and pee 4 TIMES! Which is just ridiculous! My goal was sub-5 hours, but all my damn pee stops screwed me.
A good question....where do I go from here? An ultra....hell no. A tri.....maybe, although that requires a higher level of up-front road bike, tri suit. Although I do enjoy all 3 sports....I swam before I ran and technically, I probably biked before I swam. However, my old Schwinn with the basket on the front is not designed for racing. For now, I'll stick with running - maybe I'll do a half again this fall and some 10K's this summer. After a marathon I can do anything, right?
So success feels like your legs can't possibly move any further and the final mile is the longest mile you've ever run. Lucky for me, I never hit a wall....thanks to my sport beans (huge fan), eating carbs for 4 solid days ahead of time (yes, all carbs), and consuming a generous amount of gatorade (probably did not help the multiple pee stops). At the end I proudly rocked my medal, despite being uber slow. I now have a starting point and maybe someday I'll record a better time. Just looking for a training partner this time. Any takers?
Nice Job, Maris, real nice job.
ReplyDeleteGreat Job!! You should be proud :)