Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Funny Things I Overhear

Often times I think I could devote an entire blog to funny things I overhear during my typical day. Today I heard a classic line during my homeward-bound commute. It is also very festive....

Guy on train: "We are going to play the game White Rhino at the party, you know where everyone brings a gift to exchange."
Smarter friend of guy: "Um.....do you mean White Elephant."

In case this isn't obvious, I'm easily amused. Regardless, this was hilarious White Rhino....where the hell did that come from? Maybe it was even more amusing because it reminded me of the While Elephant gift exchange my co-workers and I had last week. Some popular prizes included: a rolling crate, a used Starbucks gift card, my antiqued crock pot (which was a HIT and had been sitting at my cube since September).

1 comment:

  1. Ummmm what about the can of air?? And I love my easy mac! :o)
