I had lots of feedback on topics to post about today. What a busy weekend in Hollywoodland! While teenie-boppers & celebrity-followers alike watched the VMA's Sunday Night I was watching my Packers hurt the Bears :)
Clearly, I missed alot by ignoring the VMA's....thank God for morning radio otherwise I would have missed out on the gossip. The video clip hit youtube just hours after Kanye West made an ass out of himself, and just a few hours later pictures of Kanye drinking heavily during the show also hit the webs. What do I think of Kanye?....well he's a dumbass, but that's nothing new, doesn't he always make an ass out of himself at awards shows? Maybe that's why he is continually invited? Think about all the press the VMA's are getting now as a result. The current rumors floating around are asking whether this was a planned prank by MTV? Could it be, MTV tricking us all? It definitely didn't hurt their ratings, or even more the talk about the VMA's. The only winners I even know about are Beyonce & Taylor Swift. The talk of the town is Kanye, doesn't it seem like that's what he loves? Like a bee to honey....Kanye loves the attention, let's be honest.
Update:Kanye is currently on Jay Leno with crocodile tears about what his Mom would think about last night. YOU ARE A DUMBASS. Your mom would have smacked you upside the head, like everyone else's Mom wanted to do last night.
In other news...'Say Yes to The Dress' is back! Friday premiered one of my favorite new shows! I find this show riveting and I can't put my finger on why. Do you think the girls who go on the show get a portion of their dress paid for by TLC? I'm thinking they do....there is some benefit to them being taped for the show. During the 2 show premiere I felt most for the poor girl with the twin sister, I just wanted to hug her and say F your sister, pick the dress you want! That was a case of 'evil twin' vs. 'nice twin'. Maybe that is why 'evil twin' wasn't getting married, hey honey, no one likes a bitch.
ya, Kayne SUCKS! I hate this guy. Poor Taylor. I LOVE her. I'd take a bullet for her. If I see kayne wandering the chi-town streets, he's going down...