Thursday, September 10, 2009

Things that keep me up at night

When I was in college (not that long ago) I could always spot a non-traditional student from a mile away. What was it that gave them away? Their backpack-on-wheels. My question then is WTF is in the bag that you must have wheels it. Also, it snows....alot in how does that work in the winter?

Now, even post-college I still see them damn backpacks-on-wheels only with my fellow train commuters. My question here is WTF are you bringing to work everyday that you need a backpack-on-wheels. Maybe you should cut back? I guess I'm not one to talk, since my purse weighs 10 pounds but, at least its not on wheels.

Another thing that puzzles me, are the people I see daily, who wheel these large crate like briefcases....again what are you bringing to/from work everyday? Do you really need to bring it home every night? Is it that hard to separate yourself for 10 hours a night. I guess the answer here would be yes, it is too hard for some folks. But these are the things that keep me up late at night wondering.

The picture above makes me laugh even harder because not only is it a backpack-on-wheels but it is also a pet porter. However, I am easily amused. That dog is cute though!

1 comment:

  1. Ummmm not everyone can be as lucky as us on the checking team where we go home and forget about work...probs too old and tired to carry the heavy laptops home and lets be honest it looks better to take a mini suitcase with computer, purse, lunch etc in it than just a rolling laptop case... :o)
