Monday, August 31, 2009
Toolbag Hall of Fame
Usually when I think of a true toolbag, I think of men who rock Ed Hardy shirts, men on reality tv, and then oh yeah, Chris Brown. How many ways can you say toolbag? Hey, Chris selective memory doesn't exist...yes, men say they have selective hearing, but you can't use selective memory.
Dress Shop Drama
After finally instructing the shop to specifically order the sizes the girls & I agreed on, I think we are all set. Flash forward to of my girls picks up her dress and it is the completely wrong size. She was ordered a size that wasn't even put down for her in the system, the same size I instructed them to order. My girl picks up the dress that is at least 7 sizes larger than what she wears. Obviously, I am slightly annoyed after having several bumps in the road, they still can't get the order right. I call the shop and ask them to makeup for their mistake, and they let me know that it should all be fine with a good seamstress. Now, yes it will be fine because we have a great seamstress, but your dress shop is still incompetent, and should makeup for your large error. But she refuses to makeup for their error. Well thank the Lord we have social media, because I want everyone to know never to order from their shop in Kalamazoo or Saint Joe, unless you are a bride looking for additional stress. How can a business now be willing to makeup for their mistake? Even after someone calls and asks them to makeup for their mistake, a 10% discount can go a long way these days.
Northern Adventures

September is coming
Also, what are the odds the person that edited the above video was high.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Free Fekkai Giveaway

As a true devotee to free giveaways. I found a good one online today....get ready for Sept. 17th. Participating Saks Fifth Avenue shops are swapping any full-size shampoo you are currently using (yes, even the Suave) for an 8 oz. bottle of Fekkai Advanced Shampoo...a $23 value. Obviously we all know where I'll be spending my lunch break.
Update: In order to confirm this Fekkai giveaway, I contacted their people. Good news, this is true and the Chicago Saks Fifth Avenue is participating!
Dancing queen

Last night was my triumphant return to the dance floor. New steps & a new day. Last night we learned the inside turn, to add onto the outside turn and the basic step. Eventually it's supposed to all come together into lots of turns and movements - that I'm not sure I can keep up with. My dancing partner wasn't quite Fred Astaire last night and had difficultly mastering the different turns. However, ever the champion I survived and mastered both the inside & outside turn. The tables have turned in our dance lessons and there is a new master of the dance floor. The cougar was caged last night, as her young prodigy wasn't able to master his steps. For the fear of jinxing my new found dancing skills, I will shy away from gloating about my turning abilities. Ryan still has me schooled on his ability to keep with the beat, I like to think I'm in my own dancing world and the music just can't keep up. :)
Cold Feet Commerical
This commercial makes my laugh everytime. I know some folks hate the man, but what can I still at least he has a sense of humor. I can always appreciate a sense of humor.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
mirror, mirror on the wall

My wedding is 32 days and counting. Soon I'll be a whole new person....well, at least on paper. Obviously with 32 days left most of my details are what am I still working on? Hair styles, and clearly I'm going for the updo-style with floral accents. To easily compare my top choices I pulled together a nice photo of them all. The current front runner is the top-middle option, although I also like the top-right (bottom-right is the same hair style from the front).
Monday, August 24, 2009
Some guys have all the luck...

Most people will say, they definitely don’t have all the luck; but sometimes I will be going about my normal day and think this truly is me. It’s even more interesting when someone else calls you out on your extreme bad luck. Sometimes I think I am truly immune to my severe malchance, and just imagine a cute little French man saying “quelle malchance!”. Yesterday was my grand departure from the mitten state (home state), and I set off first to get gasoline then continue my venture home. Well, too bad the Alero decides she wants to stay in the mitten state a little while longer. After filling up her 13-gallon tank to head home she won’t start. Which is amazing because she just made it to the gas station perfectly fine. Now, as a frequent sufferer of malchance - I keep my smartphone as a trusty sidekick. After a quick phone call to the old man to inform him Alley was out of commission, I Google “Alero won’t start”. Top results: dead battery (not the case here), Passlock security issue, etc. I fell into the Passlock security issue…. which can be fixed by getting the ignition switch fixed ($$$) or patiently waiting in the “On” position 10 minutes and restarting. Now let me debate here between waiting 10 minutes or calling the nearest tow facility, waiting for them to arrive, they haul my Alley off, I'm sans a vehicle, then pay $$$ to get it repaired. Clearly, I chose the former.
My Monday starts off like a typical Monday…except…en route to the train station my ‘Service Engine Soon’ light turns & stays on…FML. Next, arrive at the train station “We are currently experiencing indefinite delays ahead”….FML. A girl just can’t win. I board my train with the car manual in tow, since I’ll have extra time today to diagnose the new problem with Alley. During my train ride this morning I came up with some potential fixes for the ‘Service Engine Soon’ light, which I’m hoping to repair instead of my local GM dealer…we shall see who wins this round my friend Alley or me...
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Make it work

Project Runway was back Thursday after a year-long hiatus...(it was about damn time). According to Nielsen so the show debuted with 4.2 million viewers...sounds like I wasn't the only person waiting over a year for the damn show.
Looks like this season has a few real characters too...Johnny the former meth-addict. After having an emotional breakout about 15 minutes into the show; Tim steps in to give him the old pep talk. It was quite awkward to watch a grown man start crying on tv, because he wasn't sure his dress was worthy enough. I'm thinking currently in rehab + stress from project runway = not good for the former meth-addict, but great for ratings. Then we have Ari, who would have been an interesting addition to the show. With her indie spirit and f-you pret-a-porter attitude, her designs would have surely got some interesting opinions from middle America. A potential favorite might be Christopher, who didn't attend fashion school yet won the first challenge. P.S. where can I buy that dress because I would definitely wear that to a holiday party or something. Then there is Mitchell, who is even more interesting to me because my friend Erick knows him! Mitchell barely made it past the first episode, and it will be interesting to see how long he lasts. Heidi and Nina definitely did not love his sheer nightgown for the red-carpet event.
The opening of show made me think WTF Heidi with the severe bun sitting on top of her head. Too much Heidi....too much.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Mad Men is back!

Sunday was the premiere of one show that became a fast favorite of mine last season.... Mad Men. The show started out rough, with an apparent flashback to Don's childhood. This is interesting because he wasn't present for his own birth. So how does know that his Dad slept with a shall we say, 'lady of the night', right after his 'Mom' lost a baby. He clearly wasn't able to witness this chain of events. During the flashback you see his apparently adoptive mother endure labor, only to have a stillborn. My question here was it necessary to show the stillborn child? That was a bit much for me....this isn't A&E's next medical mysteries show. All this relates back to Don and Betty's soon to arrive 3rd child.....
This season is supposed to focus on Don being a better father and husband, quite out of his character from what I have seen. I assume the opening scene is supposed to show he was a cad just like his father. However, if the season is supposed to focus on him being a
better father then why does he sleep with a stewardess? Thus far no moral improvements in Don’s character. I found it amusing that Betty didn't question where the TWA wings came from, typically she’s quite quick. You know if I was Betty, I'd sure be asking who joined the 'mile high' club for those wings.
I was surprised how confident Jane’s character had turned. She was running the office - which will make her interesting to watch. Will she really leave the office once she is married? If so, her character would clearly be leaving the show. I am watching for the wedding to get canceled and she will remain in the office and on the show. Even better, maybe she'll join the soon to rise up feminist movement and work while married! Shocking, I know. Her character is an integral part of the show, and would be difficult to
write off after only 3 seasons.
Tonight another one of my favorite shows returns after a extremely long hiatus.......Project Runway. Now last season was decent but we need someone to watch! Christian in season 4 was great because he was entertaining and talented. Can anyone else name winners of the show? There has been buzz the show will be different because it’s on Lifetime. Please, I don't care what channel the show is on as long as my friends at my local cable provider have the channel.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Quick ways to reduce your self-esteem

Now, let me point out that I am NOT a dancer – I don’t know my foot from my arm – and the instructor has no qualms about calling me out here. The fiancé is no help here, as he is evidently the next Fred Astaire – where this comes from – I don’t know….supposedly it was due to his many years in high school band. If only I would have kept up with that damn clarinet. How does a band geek equate to the next 'Dancing with the Stars' guru anyways? Something tells me that the instructor has a thing for younger men and teaching private lessons is her personal cougar hunting ground – I’ve seen her winking at Ryan while yelling ball, heel, ball, heel at me. Maybe she is trying to distract me with ball & heel while stealing away my fiancé. The end of the lesson finally comes around and while Ryan gets 2 thumbs up & a round of applause, I get a “keep practicing”. Remind me again why I’m paying to get yelled by a broad trying to steal my boo. Next Tuesday is dance lesson number 3, guess I bet get my dancing shoes on in the meantime.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Well that didn't take long...

As mentioned this morning it was no surprise my man Brett was headed for the purple & yellow. I think was what more surprising to me was how was the Vikings updated their landing page. Very clap. Suddenly their season has become a "historic season", one I wish I could attend, unfortunately those November 1st tickets at $260 a pop are beyond my price point. Sounds like a viewing party at my house.
Brett Favre Back?
is my opinion of Brett Favre? Well, when he played for the packers he
was basically the second coming of god. When he played for the jets it
was like losing a friend. But I still was a fan. Obviously a Packers
fan first though.
Now the rumor mill is stirring again because of Jay Glazer's recent
revelation that several Vikings sources believe Brett is secretly
back. I wouldn't doubt it, but doesn't it create a lot of talk around
a team that no one outside Peterson-lovers and Minnesota-dwellers care
about. It reminds me of the recent revelation that Kourtney Kardashian
is pregnant, which coincided with the launch of her show. Perfect
timing or planned timing, I would guess planned timing.
Now the Packers play the Vikings at home on November 1st. You can bet
your ass I will be there to see my former idol throw the ball in one
of the most storied football stadiums in the country. Will I be
wearing my #4 jersey? Most likely not, these days I rock the #85
jersey with pride. One of WMU's most famous alumni, who was drafted to
my team, on my birthday, it was meant to be.
Do I fear that Favre goes to play for the Vikings and will hurt the
Packers playoff chances? No, we all saw the depressing end to the Jets
season last year........someone isn't Mr. Clutch anymore. Now Rodgers
isn't exactly clutch either, Kyra Sedgwick definitely has 'The Closer'
locked down more than Rodgers. However, Rodgers still has time to
improve, while Favre is running out of time. Although, I know a few
people in Chicago, who firmly believe I should worry about Jay Cutler.
Time will tell friends.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Time Traveler's Wife Movie Review
First, Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams while well-casted, the makeup artist was not well-casted. Now, a key point here is that Brad Pitt produced this film, which has some similar themes as Ben Button, with the lifelong love affair. Brad Pitt had an extremely well-casted makeup artist in 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button', now I would think maybe we would have hired the same one for this movie, which requires an actor to age from scene-to-scence. However, that did not happen, Eric Bana looks the same throughout the film aside from a hair cut. Rachel McAdams looks exactly the same. Now we are only looking at about a 20-year age range from mid-20's to mid-40's, but still will I look the same when I'm 43 - God, I hope so.
Second, the movie seemed hard to follow for non-book readers in the audience. Trust me, there were a few, like the girls behind me, who were obviously not the brightest lights on the Christmas trees. They voiced a few times they had trouble following and had no idea what was going on. While this may be attributed to their IQ's, it may also be due to the film quickly skipping through a romance. I highly recommend reading the book before the movie here.