Yesterday was the day I had waiting finally see 'Time Traveler's Wife'. Now, I wasn't as disappointed as I was with 'My Sister's Keeper' but there were some points in the film that were lacking.
First, Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams while well-casted, the makeup artist was not well-casted. Now, a key point here is that Brad Pitt produced this film, which has some similar themes as Ben Button, with the lifelong love affair. Brad Pitt had an extremely well-casted makeup artist in 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button', now I would think maybe we would have hired the same one for this movie, which requires an actor to age from scene-to-scence. However, that did not happen, Eric Bana looks the same throughout the film aside from a hair cut. Rachel McAdams looks exactly the same. Now we are only looking at about a 20-year age range from mid-20's to mid-40's, but still will I look the same when I'm 43 - God, I hope so.
Second, the movie seemed hard to follow for non-book readers in the audience. Trust me, there were a few, like the girls behind me, who were obviously not the brightest lights on the Christmas trees. They voiced a few times they had trouble following and had no idea what was going on. While this may be attributed to their IQ's, it may also be due to the film quickly skipping through a romance. I highly recommend reading the book before the movie here.
What Does Change Look Like?
13 years ago