Friday, September 18, 2009

Stupid things I do

Yesterday afternoon/evening was the ultimate roller coaster day...down a bridesmaid....up a classes are completed....quick trip to the ER....too much...too much. All after working all day.

T-minus 8 days till I get my normal life back (well, let's be honest it's more like 15 days because we'll be on vacation the week after the wedding - so def not my normal life). Side note: sorry readers, I will not be mobile blogging via Carnival Cruises...I discussed this with T-Mobile, but they wouldn't reduce their mobile fees with Carnival, even if I gave them a shout-out on my blog. I mean do they know how large the following of "Marisa Explains it All" is? Clearly not!

So how did I end up with a quick trip to the ER....bottom line...I am an idiot and I jinx myself. While prepping for the office potluck, (I placed 2nd for best dish - okay it was a 4-way tie & I voted for myself, but hey - what can a girl do) I was in search of a knife that could travel well. Low & behold, I find a knife with it's own safety cover, except the I cannot easily remove the safety cover. Here is where men come in handy, I pass it off to Ryan and say I'm afraid I'm going to cut myself (it's like I can see the future). Ryan shows me how simple it is to take out. I say let me try, I hold the safety lock in my palm and pull the knife out...and cut my palm open....major ouch. I proceed to run into the living room holding my hand very tight so I don't bleed everywhere, while my soon-to-be-husband sits on his ass, thinking I am joking! Let me be clear, I'm never the little boy who cried wolf, I am that stupid, that I would cut myself with a kitchen knife. After yelling my "f-ing hand is bleeding" Ryan realizes I am not joking and I am stupid. Due to the amount of blood we weren't sure if stitches were in order, so we made a quick trip to the Portage ER, to find out stitches weren't needed (woop, woop) only steri strips. An awesome end, to an awesome day.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Spotted :: Me Sitting on My Couch Excited for Gossip Girl

Tonight was the eagerly anticipated premiere of Gossip Girl. What happened all summer - I couldn't wait to see! I didn't know the girl from Privileged was the new character on Gossip Girl. Talk about upgrade...moving from the barely watched Privileged (now canceled) to Gossip Girl. As far as CW goes, talk about upgrade. Personally, I was excited, as I happened to be one of the few viewers of Privileged, and really liked her character. Sounds like a win for me, the CW, and Joanna example of one minute your in and the next your out. Her relationship with Nate will be interesting as she is apparently an heiress gone bad and now outside 'the circle of trust'....apparently this is bad in heiress-land.

Other updates.....that secret brother of Dan & Serena is awkward and needs to leave the show. I really don't care and he's just awkward, no one likes an awkward guy. Even more awkward, his kiss with Vanessa, um dear Josh Schwartz, you cannot create chemistry between two people, and it makes for awkward TV. On a side note, nice half-dreads Vanessa, can we please hear about your dread-growing summer?

In other TV news the first 5 minutes of the Grey's Anatomy premiere has hit the webs! AH! It makes me even more excited for the premiere. However, with all the off-season drama is it really a surprise who lives/dies?

Weekend Update

I had lots of feedback on topics to post about today. What a busy weekend in Hollywoodland! While teenie-boppers & celebrity-followers alike watched the VMA's Sunday Night I was watching my Packers hurt the Bears :)

Clearly, I missed alot by ignoring the VMA's....thank God for morning radio otherwise I would have missed out on the gossip. The video clip hit youtube just hours after Kanye West made an ass out of himself, and just a few hours later pictures of Kanye drinking heavily during the show also hit the webs. What do I think of Kanye?....well he's a dumbass, but that's nothing new, doesn't he always make an ass out of himself at awards shows? Maybe that's why he is continually invited? Think about all the press the VMA's are getting now as a result. The current rumors floating around are asking whether this was a planned prank by MTV? Could it be, MTV tricking us all? It definitely didn't hurt their ratings, or even more the talk about the VMA's. The only winners I even know about are Beyonce & Taylor Swift. The talk of the town is Kanye, doesn't it seem like that's what he loves? Like a bee to honey....Kanye loves the attention, let's be honest.

Update:Kanye is currently on Jay Leno with crocodile tears about what his Mom would think about last night. YOU ARE A DUMBASS. Your mom would have smacked you upside the head, like everyone else's Mom wanted to do last night.

In other news...'Say Yes to The Dress' is back! Friday premiered one of my favorite new shows! I find this show riveting and I can't put my finger on why. Do you think the girls who go on the show get a portion of their dress paid for by TLC? I'm thinking they do....there is some benefit to them being taped for the show. During the 2 show premiere I felt most for the poor girl with the twin sister, I just wanted to hug her and say F your sister, pick the dress you want! That was a case of 'evil twin' vs. 'nice twin'. Maybe that is why 'evil twin' wasn't getting married, hey honey, no one likes a bitch.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Things that keep me up at night

When I was in college (not that long ago) I could always spot a non-traditional student from a mile away. What was it that gave them away? Their backpack-on-wheels. My question then is WTF is in the bag that you must have wheels it. Also, it snows....alot in how does that work in the winter?

Now, even post-college I still see them damn backpacks-on-wheels only with my fellow train commuters. My question here is WTF are you bringing to work everyday that you need a backpack-on-wheels. Maybe you should cut back? I guess I'm not one to talk, since my purse weighs 10 pounds but, at least its not on wheels.

Another thing that puzzles me, are the people I see daily, who wheel these large crate like briefcases....again what are you bringing to/from work everyday? Do you really need to bring it home every night? Is it that hard to separate yourself for 10 hours a night. I guess the answer here would be yes, it is too hard for some folks. But these are the things that keep me up late at night wondering.

The picture above makes me laugh even harder because not only is it a backpack-on-wheels but it is also a pet porter. However, I am easily amused. That dog is cute though!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Reading Update

This morning on my daily commute I finally started "The Lovely Bones"....bottom line...riveting. I read through chapter 4 this morning and hated putting the book down to head into work. The movie comes out in December (and clearly I'll have the book finished by this Friday). The cast has some real potential to make a great movie. Mark Wahlberg plays the father, interesting casting here, but he has been moving towards more serious roles in the past few years. He is a father of a few kids, so I think that is key in casting. Rachel Weisz is the mother, and clearly she is an amazing actress. Stanley Tucci plays Mr. Harvey, which I am NOT a fan of....I LOVE Stanley Tucci, but the idea of him playing Mr. Harvey weirds me out. I think it'll forever ruin Stanley Tucci for me. The movie is directed by Peter Jackson, which makes me think Lord of The Rings...District 9...easily leads into The Lovely Bones, right??? Anyways, I have faith the movie will be well done with Peter Jackson.

Adventures in auto mechanics

Sunday my sister & I were attempting to return to our parents house only to be delayed by a screw. In her tire! It always amazes me that a small screw can do so much damage. Also, doesn't it seem like this would be a very common occurrence...think of all the screws in the world...the odds must be high right?

Well, good thing this happens to 2 people who can't change a flat and are basically useless. There are things I'm great at: online shopping, bargain hunting (see online shopping), scrapbooking, shopping in general, etc. Things I am not good at: anything to do with an automobile (exclude bargain hunting here), being patient, etc. What's interesting is automobile problems and being patient typically go hand & hand. Again, similar to my automobile problems a few weeks ago thank god for my trusty smartphone. I mean what would a girl do without one? Honestly, I don't understand. First we attempt fix-a-flat, and I purchase my trusty snack foods (pringles and sour patch kids), knowing this could take awhile. Then we decide maybe a tire repair shop is open and could fix it (hoping people are open on Sundays).

Attempt number one: Firestone Tire, they claim they cannot fix the tire now that we have used fix-a-flat. WTF, the can says "See a professional tire repair asap after use". Regardless, they refuse to help and fill the tire with air and we try to think of plan B. My sister's husband, is a fan of Sears, and suggests we go there. After a quick loookup for a number to confirm they are open....we continue our adventure to Sears. Hooray, they say they can in fact repair the tire. While they repair the tire I can venture off to things I am good, as Sears is connected to the mall. woohoo! Finally, 4 hours after our original attempt to leave town we are on the road. Things I learned: go to Sears for auto repair, because the mall will entertain you while you wait, don't go to firestone because they can't help repair tires (my Dad pointed out, they will however sell you a new tire), carry fix-a-flat for tire repairs.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Need to find: SHOES

I have a pair of beloved Pumas, I wear about 5 times a week (if you see my daily chances are I'm wearing them today). The shoes are about 5-6 years old, and have held up extremely well over the past several years. On the occasional shopping trip I look for a updated version in the stores to buy. I've searched online & online boutiques (RueLaLa, Gilt Groupe, Editor's Choice)....still no luck. Now since they are so old, I don't know the style name anymore and there are no tags in the shoe to help. So what's a girl to do...I can't get rid of my beloved shoes that are finally starting to show their age. Would you get rid of an aging best friend? The shoe repair can't really do much because of where the shoes are starting to I just need to find a replacement. Yesterday, I decided to email Puma customer service with pictures of the shoe with hopes they can direct me to an updated version of the shoes, or even better somewhere to find the exact same pair. The auto response said I can expect to hear back in the next 48 hours, and I'm so anxious for their response it's like Christmas morning!
Update:Thanks to the friendly people at Puma, I have tracked down my shoes!! Puma Taper SP! Currently out of stock, but I'll keep my eyes out.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009



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Really good article from Laura Ling & Euna Lee, on the events that led to their capture. This is why my soul venture into journalism replies on my blog at home.

Cheap Beer Makes College Students Drink More - ABC News

Cheap Beer Makes College Students Drink More - ABC News

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I read this and thought well that's obvious. While some people refer to my alma mater as "Wastern" (never by me, as I am not a fan of the name), I can tell you in Kalamazoo $1 drafts & Thursday "College Nights" are the busiest nights in town. Does it really take a study to tell you college students love cheap booze? Have you ever seen a tailgate or kegger in town?

How do you tell someone their weave is falling out?

Today I was on my morning train to work...exciting as ever. On occasion early in the morning there are a few potential lol's, en route to Chicago. This morning I'm sitting there reading "Barefoot" (side note: good read), and a woman sits down in front of me...and I notice something falling out of her hair. But wait....that's not just anything...that is in fact her weave falling out!! Girl needs to get that checked, but should I have been courteous and mentioned her weave was falling out? "Hi, you don't know me but I was sitting behind you and girl your weave is falling out." Now the last thing I want is to get beat down on the morning commuter train. But I did feel a slight moral obligation to mention to the woman she should in fact check the back of her head/weave.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Today, I was displayed this great ad on the Yahoo homepage. My first thought was what does Lindsay Lohan have to do with Guitar Hero? I mean this really made me think Lindsay Lohan & Guitar Hero really? But then, after seeing the add several more times. I realize those the are the 'girls next door' that replaced Kendra, Holly & Bridgette....again what do they have to do with Guitar Hero? And even more importantly why was I getting those ads? Do Hugh Hefner's new girlfriends (that are younger than me!) make me want to go buy Guitar, no!