Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Funny Things I Overhear
Guy on train: "We are going to play the game White Rhino at the party, you know where everyone brings a gift to exchange."
Smarter friend of guy: "Um.....do you mean White Elephant."
In case this isn't obvious, I'm easily amused. Regardless, this was hilarious White Rhino....where the hell did that come from? Maybe it was even more amusing because it reminded me of the While Elephant gift exchange my co-workers and I had last week. Some popular prizes included: a rolling crate, a used Starbucks gift card, my antiqued crock pot (which was a HIT and had been sitting at my cube since September).
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I Love You Godiva

Omg!!! Best.Day.Ever! I just won a box of Godiva chocolates. This past weekend while shopping with my girlfriends we stopped at the new Godiva shop in Block 37. It took all my will power to not buy a chocolate while I was there. Well, it paid off! I entered my card in their fishbowl and won a box of chocolates!!! Amazing! Tomorrow they are delivering them to my cube - hooray!
Oh Blog How I've Missed You
Another book turned movie I still need to watch is Precious, and it's driving me nuts that I haven't seen it yet. Another bravo to Gabby Sidibe who was also nominated for her role in the movie, her first acting gig ever! Maybe I too could be cast in a film and show off my acting prowess and be nominated for an award....doubt it.
January 15th the movie I've been waiting to see comes out...The Lovely Bones...and Stanley Tucci was nominated for a Golden Globe for his role in the movie. Now, I'm pretty sure he will scare the crap out of my in the movie, and it'll be difficult for me to picture him as Mr. Harvey, because I love Stanley Tucci.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thanksgiving Adventures

My favorite season of the year is here! That being sale season....woop woop! My holiday weekend started with a trip to Detroit to watch my Packers play. The Packers win, so I am in a great mood! Post-game we are headed back to my car, we hop it and I open the glove box to grab my parents GPS, I had borrowed and it's missing! Ah, where did it go, how did someone get in without the window being broken? Well, I soon found out someone had jimmied my driver's side door lock and stole the GPS out the glove box! From there my main question is, how did someone know it was in there? Every piece of it was completely hidden in the glove box. I'm going to attribute it to the shady parking attendants at Kentwood Academy. And to think I was helping children by parking in that lot, yeah, helping them scam me. Life lesson learned.
After that depressing event, it was back home to prep for the biggest shopping day of the year. Luckily, Best Buy had the same Garmin on-sale the next day so in addition to my Dyson, I was also in the market for a Garmin Nuvi. Awesome.
My Mom and I arrived at Kohl's at 3:30 AM, my Dad didn't feel like waking up that early. I have no idea why not?! Thank goodness, we got there so early within about a 1/2 hour of opening the entire Dyson stock was wiped clean! That fabulous low-quality picture above is my Dyson I snatched up right after opening. woop woop!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
So close....
Kohl's opens at 4 AM on Friday. I plan to arrive at 3:45 AM to stand in line and run like a crazy woman to my Dyson. Since my Dad is my vacuum wingman I've offered to buy him breakfast, a sort of bribe to wake up at 3 AM to go to Kohl's. Has anyone ever wanted a vacuum quite like I want my Dyson DC25? Not that I can recall. Determination, focus.....these are key personality traits that will get me my Dyson.
What are some other purchases I'm looking to make during one of my three favorite days of the year...Wal-Mart has heated blankets & throws on sale for $13....done and done. I LOVE heated blankets. These could also be could use at the office, as it's always about 60 degrees. At Best Buy, I will definitely be hitting up the cheap DVD bin - as always. To score some DVD's that will sit on my DVD rack unopened for the next year. Smart purchase.....no....bargain purchase.....yes!
Tomorrow I'm going to the Packers v. Lions game....WOOP WOOP! If you'll be watching for me in the stadium, I'll be rocking my Greg Jennings jersey and Pack wears in addition to my temporary facial tattoos....awesome! Two big days in a row for me....can.not.wait!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
My favorite holiday

My favorite holiday is coming up....Thanksgiving....now why would Thanksgiving be the favorite holiday of a vegetarian? Well, obviously the day after is actually my favorite holiday. My Dad and I wake up early every Black Friday to shop, now I'm pretty sure he doesn't look forward to this as much as I do, but it's tradition now. This weekend I have devoted several hours in competitive research of leaked sales ads for the items that I'm willing to knock over a soccer mom at 5 AM to obtain. There are always a few stores I focus on....Kohls and Best Buy (points for originality, I know).

My search is focused on a DC25 Dyson....I want one and Ryan just doesn't understand why a Dyson versus any other brand of vacuum. It's just not the same. To prepare for this purchase I saved up my credit card points and cashed in for $150 worth of Kohl's gift cards. Clearly, I was hoping Kohl's would have the best deal on the Dyson. According to the leaked Kohl's ad my Dyson will be on sale for $399 from $549. Clearly this is a bargain. Now I'm just concerned how early I should wake up to wait in line at the local Kohl's. How many other crazy ladies (or men) are in the market for my Dyson? These are questions I need answered. How willingly will the BH Kohl's be to provide sales figures on the Dyson DC25?
The remainder of my shopping is focused on potentially replacing my household desktop computer. I almost feel like a traitor saying this as my current desktop has survived 6-years of use. My first computer purchased before I left for college freshman year. My computer has been a good friend and survived hours of usage, and many a term paper in college. It saw Facebook before Facebook was cool, and many a episode of Grey's Anatomy online. However, the time has come to look for a replacement. The sad part is today I could purchase a much more powerful, faster, etc. desktop for about a 1/3 of the price. Damn you technology.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Professional Vegetarian
A Bientot Mad Men

Mad Men's season finale was last night, and in my humble opinion the show went out with a bang. I've been watching most of the season and thus far nothing terribly exciting....a secretary ran over a Brit's foot with a John Deere tractor, Don cheated on his wife a few times, Sal accidentally came out of the closet in front of Don. The season finale was great...undermining the Brits and starting their own agency, with my favorite characters....brilliant! Don finally had to admit that Roger and Peggy were all actually needed at the agency, and unfortunately the world doesn't revolve around creative. Betty is leaving Don for the somewhat older and sexy Henry, besides it's about time she leaves Don's cheating ass. Now, I'm eager beaver waiting for season 4....
Friday, October 30, 2009
Ah My TV Died!
However it suddenly when rainbow-colored in vertical stripes! AH! Out of nowhere....so tragic. It also made noises that sounded like an alien attempting to talk to me through the TV. I told Ryan aliens were taking over - I still think this is true.
Anyways, thank godness I have experience with bad luck, and you know I bought the extended warranty on that TV. We called it in and someone is coming to take a look on Monday - YAY!
UPDATE: My TV is home! Thank goodness we purchased the warranty plan the motherboard or something had to be replaced...value of the part alone was $300!! The doesn't even included labor to repair the TV. Bottom line....warranties are my new best friend.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Compliment or Diss
So what was his question...."Where did you get those boots, they would be great for my Halloween costume." Now, I really like these boots, but the LAST thing I associate them with is Halloween. I have no idea what costume this kid was planning on and why my boots went with his costume.
Is that a complete diss or compliment; I'm really not sure.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
AHHH My New Favorite Jam
Now, I'm a fan of most T-Pain jams (obviously) and the occasional Jesse McCartney song....but combine the two and I'm listening. However, this song has a real selling point for me, that hooked me the first time I heard it. Now, anyone who knows me knows just about anything with a French-accent has me sold....if only you could see my decor. During the hook of the song "Body Language" Jesse sings "parlez-vous francais?" and I sold like a kid in a candy store. Interesting though, because this woman/girl must be someone Jesse doesn't know well as he uses the formal. Minor details - Jesse you know this shits on my iPod.
My Guilty Pleasure
Also, I like their apparent new slogan....now I couldn't find anything online about this...but the folks at my local Quizno's were rocking some new t-shirts. The slogan on their shirts "Friends don't let friends eat Subway." Now, I'm no Subway-basher but I thought this was hilarious. Clearly they know Subway is the market leader in subs, but the shirts made me laugh. Ah, I'm so easily amused....it's the small things in life.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Movie Review: Law Abiding Citizen
At first, you might think by the title I'm going to see a movie about myself (HA....I know - I'm corny). Then if you know what the movie is about you might, wonder why I wanted to see this movie. If you are wondering that, please let me remind you I'm a fan of rap & hip-hop music. Also, I like Jamie Foxx and Leslie Bibb (she's in private practice). While true movie critics weren't a fan....are you surprised? I thought the movie was riveting. Gerard Butler's character is insane, I mean he goes crazy, and it's amazing to watch. Thankfully, the movie has a chance to take the turn towards Saw-esque scences, but it did not. Which made me very happy, as I did not sign up to see that. Although, like any action movie it has a few highly unbelievable scenes - can you really move bomb? Would no one really notice? I don't want to give it all away but more than once I said I don't know about that.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Book Review: "Love Season"
Although, the book left me wanting more....what happened to Miles & Sallie? Do Renata and Dan leave Nantucket or stay with Marguerite? Does Porter really never talk to his niece, and how could he leave Marguerite!? So many questions and I need answers! Does Cade really give up on Renata?
What I loved about the book - was that it all takes place during one very long, hot, summer day - but yet it spans an entire lifetime. The characters were all so intriguing and I could picture them all perfectly in my mind. Also, the book has many a French reference, which will easily win me over.
Overall, I recommend the book and I enjoyed the tiny references to "Barefoot" in the book. During the dinner party, the conversation changed to a mother of three with cancer....hm, what could that be referencing? However, the book left me wanting more...it didn't feel complete to me.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Life lesson learned
I made a total of 3 calls - 2 of which went straight to voicemail. This week I learned how much those calls cost me. $41 + change PER CALL!!! Are you kidding me?! This was my first reaction - $120 for a 2 minute call to my parents! First step, call Chase and see what they can do....scored a contact number for this mysterious telecom company. Next, I call the telecom company and explain my situation. Fortunately for me, the representative takes pity on me and tells me since I am a first time user (NOTE: and last time user) they might be able to credit me back. I was able to get $60 back - which was nice. Still the $60 2-minute call to my parents is now my most expensive call ever......life lessons learned.....never use a world phone at a cruise ship port.
Monday, October 12, 2009
So this is what success tastes like....my birthday party for Ryan & Jason over the weekend was a success! This was my first ever...technical dinner party! I created an Italian Cream Cake (three layer cream cake), baked ziti (after some good tips from Doug's grandma), a Marisa-style cheese platter (chipotle cheddar, basil & dill cheddar, and aged gouda), and brushetta.
We had 9 dinner guests (it was a family-affair) and everyone told me what a wonderful meal it was (now, I'm assuming they weren't lying). The cake may have been the biggest hit of the evening....hooray for my potential career in cake-making! And they said I couldn't cook....all a girl needs is some new tools :)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Euforquestra - Soup Album Review
The cd will definitely keep you awake, so quick, if you are falling asleep at your desk - download it - you'll wake right up. I could see the album being good to listen to while on vacation or spending a day at the beach.
How is this news?

Dear CNN,
Levi Johnston posing for Playgirl is NOT news. First off, does anyone subscribe to that publication? I'm pretty sure the answer here is no, because last year the considered folding the magazine.
Second, Levi Johnston is Sarah Palin's daughters ex-boyfriend....in case that doesn't stand out enough, that means no one gives a shit. Okay yes, there are some people who give a shit about Sarah Palin (a few are followers of my blog), but no one cares about her daughter's ex-boyfriend.
I guess some people just want to extent their 15 seconds of fame......lame
Dress in a box
Overall, I feel like a wedding dress is a huge waste of money, yes it's pretty, and traditional, but think about it, what's the hourly rate of that dress? I'm betting $100+/hour saying you put it on around 1 PM and are done with it around 1 AM. The thing is never worn again. Maybe I should put mine on Ebay, I could see some potential takers out there...okay maybe, not. I need a good sales pitch "Gently worn bridal gown...."
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I'm Back

More posts to come as I have returned from my blogging hiatus!
I'm back from the Caribbean pale as usual (except for the hidden sunburn on my back)! Some of my favorite comments upon returning home:
"Didn't you go to the Caribbean....I thought you would have more color"
"Was it cloudy there?"
"You didn't get tan at all?!"
Dear friends....I am albino....we albinos DO NOT tan....again DO NOT tan. If I were to wear absolutely not sunscreen and sit outside all day I would only come home crying and burnt. My burns do not turn into tans....this is a cycle of life for a burn: pain, pain, dry, itch, peel, new skin under the peeled off skin is again albino. Also, I generally hide in lots of sunscreen and sun hats. For those of you who aren't aware pale skin, reddish/blond hair, and many a burn in my younger years....puts me at high risk for skin cancer. So no I did not come home with a beautiful Caribbean tan. Wrong girl folks.
And yes the weather was beautiful and it was hot, hot, hot all week. We visited: St. Thomas, Dominica, Barbados, St. Lucia (my favorite island), Antigua (the hottest island), and St. Kitts.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Stupid things I do
T-minus 8 days till I get my normal life back (well, let's be honest it's more like 15 days because we'll be on vacation the week after the wedding - so def not my normal life). Side note: sorry readers, I will not be mobile blogging via Carnival Cruises...I discussed this with T-Mobile, but they wouldn't reduce their mobile fees with Carnival, even if I gave them a shout-out on my blog. I mean do they know how large the following of "Marisa Explains it All" is? Clearly not!
So how did I end up with a quick trip to the ER....bottom line...I am an idiot and I jinx myself. While prepping for the office potluck, (I placed 2nd for best dish - okay it was a 4-way tie & I voted for myself, but hey - what can a girl do) I was in search of a knife that could travel well. Low & behold, I find a knife with it's own safety cover, except the I cannot easily remove the safety cover. Here is where men come in handy, I pass it off to Ryan and say I'm afraid I'm going to cut myself (it's like I can see the future). Ryan shows me how simple it is to take out. I say let me try, I hold the safety lock in my palm and pull the knife out...and cut my palm open....major ouch. I proceed to run into the living room holding my hand very tight so I don't bleed everywhere, while my soon-to-be-husband sits on his ass, thinking I am joking! Let me be clear, I'm never the little boy who cried wolf, I am that stupid, that I would cut myself with a kitchen knife. After yelling my "f-ing hand is bleeding" Ryan realizes I am not joking and I am stupid. Due to the amount of blood we weren't sure if stitches were in order, so we made a quick trip to the Portage ER, to find out stitches weren't needed (woop, woop) only steri strips. An awesome end, to an awesome day.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Spotted :: Me Sitting on My Couch Excited for Gossip Girl
Other updates.....that secret brother of Dan & Serena is awkward and needs to leave the show. I really don't care and he's just awkward, no one likes an awkward guy. Even more awkward, his kiss with Vanessa, um dear Josh Schwartz, you cannot create chemistry between two people, and it makes for awkward TV. On a side note, nice half-dreads Vanessa, can we please hear about your dread-growing summer?
In other TV news the first 5 minutes of the Grey's Anatomy premiere has hit the webs! AH! It makes me even more excited for the premiere. However, with all the off-season drama is it really a surprise who lives/dies?
Weekend Update

I had lots of feedback on topics to post about today. What a busy weekend in Hollywoodland! While teenie-boppers & celebrity-followers alike watched the VMA's Sunday Night I was watching my Packers hurt the Bears :)
Clearly, I missed alot by ignoring the VMA's....thank God for morning radio otherwise I would have missed out on the gossip. The video clip hit youtube just hours after Kanye West made an ass out of himself, and just a few hours later pictures of Kanye drinking heavily during the show also hit the webs. What do I think of Kanye?....well he's a dumbass, but that's nothing new, doesn't he always make an ass out of himself at awards shows? Maybe that's why he is continually invited? Think about all the press the VMA's are getting now as a result. The current rumors floating around are asking whether this was a planned prank by MTV? Could it be, MTV tricking us all? It definitely didn't hurt their ratings, or even more the talk about the VMA's. The only winners I even know about are Beyonce & Taylor Swift. The talk of the town is Kanye, doesn't it seem like that's what he loves? Like a bee to honey....Kanye loves the attention, let's be honest.
Update:Kanye is currently on Jay Leno with crocodile tears about what his Mom would think about last night. YOU ARE A DUMBASS. Your mom would have smacked you upside the head, like everyone else's Mom wanted to do last night.
In other news...'Say Yes to The Dress' is back! Friday premiered one of my favorite new shows! I find this show riveting and I can't put my finger on why. Do you think the girls who go on the show get a portion of their dress paid for by TLC? I'm thinking they do....there is some benefit to them being taped for the show. During the 2 show premiere I felt most for the poor girl with the twin sister, I just wanted to hug her and say F your sister, pick the dress you want! That was a case of 'evil twin' vs. 'nice twin'. Maybe that is why 'evil twin' wasn't getting married, hey honey, no one likes a bitch.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Things that keep me up at night

When I was in college (not that long ago) I could always spot a non-traditional student from a mile away. What was it that gave them away? Their backpack-on-wheels. My question then is WTF is in the bag that you must have wheels it. Also, it snows....alot in Michigan...so how does that work in the winter?
Now, even post-college I still see them damn backpacks-on-wheels only with my fellow train commuters. My question here is WTF are you bringing to work everyday that you need a backpack-on-wheels. Maybe you should cut back? I guess I'm not one to talk, since my purse weighs 10 pounds but, at least its not on wheels.
Another thing that puzzles me, are the people I see daily, who wheel these large crate like briefcases....again what are you bringing to/from work everyday? Do you really need to bring it home every night? Is it that hard to separate yourself for 10 hours a night. I guess the answer here would be yes, it is too hard for some folks. But these are the things that keep me up late at night wondering.
The picture above makes me laugh even harder because not only is it a backpack-on-wheels but it is also a pet porter. However, I am easily amused. That dog is cute though!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Reading Update

This morning on my daily commute I finally started "The Lovely Bones"....bottom line...riveting. I read through chapter 4 this morning and hated putting the book down to head into work. The movie comes out in December (and clearly I'll have the book finished by this Friday). The cast has some real potential to make a great movie. Mark Wahlberg plays the father, interesting casting here, but he has been moving towards more serious roles in the past few years. He is a father of a few kids, so I think that is key in casting. Rachel Weisz is the mother, and clearly she is an amazing actress. Stanley Tucci plays Mr. Harvey, which I am NOT a fan of....I LOVE Stanley Tucci, but the idea of him playing Mr. Harvey weirds me out. I think it'll forever ruin Stanley Tucci for me. The movie is directed by Peter Jackson, which makes me think Lord of The Rings...District 9...easily leads into The Lovely Bones, right??? Anyways, I have faith the movie will be well done with Peter Jackson.
Adventures in auto mechanics
Well, good thing this happens to 2 people who can't change a flat and are basically useless. There are things I'm great at: online shopping, bargain hunting (see online shopping), scrapbooking, shopping in general, etc. Things I am not good at: anything to do with an automobile (exclude bargain hunting here), being patient, etc. What's interesting is automobile problems and being patient typically go hand & hand. Again, similar to my automobile problems a few weeks ago thank god for my trusty smartphone. I mean what would a girl do without one? Honestly, I don't understand. First we attempt fix-a-flat, and I purchase my trusty snack foods (pringles and sour patch kids), knowing this could take awhile. Then we decide maybe a tire repair shop is open and could fix it (hoping people are open on Sundays).
Attempt number one: Firestone Tire, they claim they cannot fix the tire now that we have used fix-a-flat. WTF, the can says "See a professional tire repair asap after use". Regardless, they refuse to help and fill the tire with air and we try to think of plan B. My sister's husband, is a fan of Sears, and suggests we go there. After a quick loookup for a number to confirm they are open....we continue our adventure to Sears. Hooray, they say they can in fact repair the tire. While they repair the tire I can venture off to things I am good at....shopping, as Sears is connected to the mall. woohoo! Finally, 4 hours after our original attempt to leave town we are on the road. Things I learned: go to Sears for auto repair, because the mall will entertain you while you wait, don't go to firestone because they can't help repair tires (my Dad pointed out, they will however sell you a new tire), carry fix-a-flat for tire repairs.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Need to find: SHOES

I have a pair of beloved Pumas, I wear about 5 times a week (if you see my daily chances are I'm wearing them today). The shoes are about 5-6 years old, and have held up extremely well over the past several years. On the occasional shopping trip I look for a updated version in the stores to buy. I've searched online & online boutiques (RueLaLa, Gilt Groupe, Editor's Choice)....still no luck. Now since they are so old, I don't know the style name anymore and there are no tags in the shoe to help. So what's a girl to do...I can't get rid of my beloved shoes that are finally starting to show their age. Would you get rid of an aging best friend? The shoe repair can't really do much because of where the shoes are starting to wear...so I just need to find a replacement. Yesterday, I decided to email Puma customer service with pictures of the shoe with hopes they can direct me to an updated version of the shoes, or even better somewhere to find the exact same pair. The auto response said I can expect to hear back in the next 48 hours, and I'm so anxious for their response it's like Christmas morning!
Update:Thanks to the friendly people at Puma, I have tracked down my shoes!! Puma Taper SP! Currently out of stock, but I'll keep my eyes out.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Shared via AddThis
Really good article from Laura Ling & Euna Lee, on the events that led to their capture. This is why my soul venture into journalism replies on my blog at home.
Cheap Beer Makes College Students Drink More - ABC News
Shared via AddThis
I read this and thought well that's obvious. While some people refer to my alma mater as "Wastern" (never by me, as I am not a fan of the name), I can tell you in Kalamazoo $1 drafts & Thursday "College Nights" are the busiest nights in town. Does it really take a study to tell you college students love cheap booze? Have you ever seen a tailgate or kegger in town?
How do you tell someone their weave is falling out?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Today, I was displayed this great ad on the Yahoo homepage. My first thought was what does Lindsay Lohan have to do with Guitar Hero? I mean this really made me think Lindsay Lohan & Guitar Hero really? But then, after seeing the add several more times. I realize those the are the 'girls next door' that replaced Kendra, Holly & Bridgette....again what do they have to do with Guitar Hero? And even more importantly why was I getting those ads? Do Hugh Hefner's new girlfriends (that are younger than me!) make me want to go buy Guitar Hero....um, no!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Toolbag Hall of Fame
Usually when I think of a true toolbag, I think of men who rock Ed Hardy shirts, men on reality tv, and then oh yeah, Chris Brown. How many ways can you say toolbag? Hey, Chris selective memory doesn't exist...yes, men say they have selective hearing, but you can't use selective memory.
Dress Shop Drama
After finally instructing the shop to specifically order the sizes the girls & I agreed on, I think we are all set. Flash forward to today....one of my girls picks up her dress and it is the completely wrong size. She was ordered a size that wasn't even put down for her in the system, the same size I instructed them to order. My girl picks up the dress that is at least 7 sizes larger than what she wears. Obviously, I am slightly annoyed after having several bumps in the road, they still can't get the order right. I call the shop and ask them to makeup for their mistake, and they let me know that it should all be fine with a good seamstress. Now, yes it will be fine because we have a great seamstress, but your dress shop is still incompetent, and should makeup for your large error. But she refuses to makeup for their error. Well thank the Lord we have social media, because I want everyone to know never to order from their shop in Kalamazoo or Saint Joe, unless you are a bride looking for additional stress. How can a business now be willing to makeup for their mistake? Even after someone calls and asks them to makeup for their mistake, a 10% discount can go a long way these days.
Northern Adventures

September is coming
Also, what are the odds the person that edited the above video was high.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Free Fekkai Giveaway

As a true devotee to free giveaways. I found a good one online today....get ready for Sept. 17th. Participating Saks Fifth Avenue shops are swapping any full-size shampoo you are currently using (yes, even the Suave) for an 8 oz. bottle of Fekkai Advanced Shampoo...a $23 value. Obviously we all know where I'll be spending my lunch break.
Update: In order to confirm this Fekkai giveaway, I contacted their people. Good news, this is true and the Chicago Saks Fifth Avenue is participating!
Dancing queen

Last night was my triumphant return to the dance floor. New steps & a new day. Last night we learned the inside turn, to add onto the outside turn and the basic step. Eventually it's supposed to all come together into lots of turns and movements - that I'm not sure I can keep up with. My dancing partner wasn't quite Fred Astaire last night and had difficultly mastering the different turns. However, ever the champion I survived and mastered both the inside & outside turn. The tables have turned in our dance lessons and there is a new master of the dance floor. The cougar was caged last night, as her young prodigy wasn't able to master his steps. For the fear of jinxing my new found dancing skills, I will shy away from gloating about my turning abilities. Ryan still has me schooled on his ability to keep with the beat, I like to think I'm in my own dancing world and the music just can't keep up. :)
Cold Feet Commerical
This commercial makes my laugh everytime. I know some folks hate the man, but what can I still at least he has a sense of humor. I can always appreciate a sense of humor.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
mirror, mirror on the wall

My wedding is 32 days and counting. Soon I'll be a whole new person....well, at least on paper. Obviously with 32 days left most of my details are finalized....so what am I still working on? Hair styles, and clearly I'm going for the updo-style with floral accents. To easily compare my top choices I pulled together a nice photo of them all. The current front runner is the top-middle option, although I also like the top-right (bottom-right is the same hair style from the front).
Monday, August 24, 2009
Some guys have all the luck...

Most people will say, they definitely don’t have all the luck; but sometimes I will be going about my normal day and think this truly is me. It’s even more interesting when someone else calls you out on your extreme bad luck. Sometimes I think I am truly immune to my severe malchance, and just imagine a cute little French man saying “quelle malchance!”. Yesterday was my grand departure from the mitten state (home state), and I set off first to get gasoline then continue my venture home. Well, too bad the Alero decides she wants to stay in the mitten state a little while longer. After filling up her 13-gallon tank to head home she won’t start. Which is amazing because she just made it to the gas station perfectly fine. Now, as a frequent sufferer of malchance - I keep my smartphone as a trusty sidekick. After a quick phone call to the old man to inform him Alley was out of commission, I Google “Alero won’t start”. Top results: dead battery (not the case here), Passlock security issue, etc. I fell into the Passlock security issue…. which can be fixed by getting the ignition switch fixed ($$$) or patiently waiting in the “On” position 10 minutes and restarting. Now let me debate here between waiting 10 minutes or calling the nearest tow facility, waiting for them to arrive, they haul my Alley off, I'm sans a vehicle, then pay $$$ to get it repaired. Clearly, I chose the former.
My Monday starts off like a typical Monday…except…en route to the train station my ‘Service Engine Soon’ light turns & stays on…FML. Next, arrive at the train station “We are currently experiencing indefinite delays ahead”….FML. A girl just can’t win. I board my train with the car manual in tow, since I’ll have extra time today to diagnose the new problem with Alley. During my train ride this morning I came up with some potential fixes for the ‘Service Engine Soon’ light, which I’m hoping to repair instead of my local GM dealer…we shall see who wins this round my friend Alley or me...